Thursday, June 19, 2008

This is me, completely imperfect, but totally me!

So, this is my first blog ever so please be kind,,,, here goes...

Who am I?

I am a 30 year old mother of 4 children (3 girls and a little boy) living in sin (not legally married and exactly how I like it) with my husband a very talented fashion photographer. So what makes me different than your typical soccer mom?

I'm Pre-Med!
So I'm guessing you want to know what made me want to start this crazy journey? Funny you should ask 'cause I was about to tell you! :P
The Preamble...
I dropped out of high school in my senior year of high school ranking in the top 5% of my class and got my GED. Stupid I know,, but it's what I did. I attempted college a few times but it never seemed to work out very well. I knew I loved medicine way back then and I thought my future was neurosurgery but I couldn't manage to get through English Comp I so I convinced myself that I would never make it in medicine and put it out of my head. So low and behold, I meet my first husband and have my first two kids and in the meantime get my degree in Culinary Arts, which was a job I like but never loved. So a divorce, a new relationship and now 2 more kids later and here I am with an extremely supportive husband and a family of four.
So what made me decide Pre-Med?
Not quite a year ago I decided to start school at a community college looking to see if I could maybe pass the pre-req's for my AS in Nursing. I started off slow because with 4 kids who would have thought I could handle more than that. After talking with a few nurses who told me that my AS in nursing was a waste of time and I should get my BSN I changed my major. My first semester went well, but I found that I loved what I was doing so much that 8 credit hours just wasn't enough.... so the next semester with no support from my counselors I took 18 credit hours, and my first science class. I was in love! I couldn't get enough, so I talked to my sister and brother-in-law who are both physicians and asked what they thought if I changed my major to Pre-Med. I wish I could post a picture of there faces.... LOL... thank God I gave them each a couple Margarita's before we started this little chat 'cause I think my brother-in-law would have had a coronary infraction without the loose feelings the liquor was inducing. Let's just say liquor or not they sobered up quick... told me I was crazy to even consider it with the 4 kids....but they came around about 2 days later and said that I should go for it.
So now, I have averaged about about 18 to 21 credit hours (5-6 classes) a semester and will finish my AA in about six weeks all within less than a year. I start my Bachelor's in Molecular and Microbiology for Pre-professionals this fall. I can't wait... Immunology, Hematology, exciting.
As for my kids,,, they are so proud of their Mommy! Surprisingly enough, my two school age daughters have actually become better students since I started school.... amazing what setting an example will do.


911DOC said...

so now all you gotta do is get hitched!! hahaha. keep on visiting over at our place and keep us updated on your progress!

30&Pre-Med said...

hahaha,,,, I definatly will,,, I told you I was hooked...

Anonymous said...

Hey 30, I'll link to your blog if you'll link to mine. Go for the M.D. I say, still impresses the ladies, and you'll never forget the first time you get to yell "SHES A PINK PUFFER NOT A BLUE BLOATER DAMMIT!!!" just like Frank Burns. I know PA's and NPs make more money/years of schooling but you don't wanta be anyones Assistant.

30&Pre-Med said...

exactly! Thanks Drackman,,, I will definately link you! I think I already did actually...

medschoolmommy said...

Just wanted to say hi to another mom in the trenches! I am 28 and am a mother to 3 (ages 6, 4, and 9 months). I am currently in the application process for med school and I also graduated with an M&M degree from UCF. I have found school with kids not as crazy as the looks you get when you tell people you are doing it! Sounds like you are doing great! It is awesome to hear another mom is doing this too! Good luck with you classes-I am sure you will love them!

30&Pre-Med said...

Thank you so much! I actually cannot wait to get to UCF next semester, I am still over at the hell hole that is SCC. I still have atleast 2 years before I start my application process. I am so grateful that you e-mailed me because I don't feel so alone anymore. Thank you so much for the e-mail and please keep in touch with your progress.

Anonymous said...
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nomes said...

hey, just searching around blogs..found yours. i'm looking for some sort of motivation :) i am a post bachelors premed-goer. i was a nurse for a year and now i'm back in the grind. i have so many people asking me what i'm doing. 23 y/o..just wanted to say keep up the good work.. enjoy the journey and the destination will always be there. :) you have my support!

Anonymous said...

You've inspired me, thank you soo much :)

pinkpurpleblue said...

Your blog is one of the most helpful and useful when it comes to preparing for getting into a med school. Thank you for posting it here.

I am a Computer Science Engineer who is working in a leading software company and aspiring to be a doctor since my childhood. Due to several reasons I could not get a chance to pursue this dream.
I am 24 years old now. Is it possible for me to get into a med school in US/Canada/anywhere now? My GPA is 3.28. I am quite hardworking and like to think myself as intelligent and ready to goto any extent to achieve this.Also, although I have completed pre-med courses in Physics and Chemistry with very good grades, the only biology course i had taken was in school. Do I have to start college all over again to finish my pre-med requirements? Is there a way I can finish them now??

Can you please guide me as to how I can atleast begin to pursue in this direction. Note, I am from India and live in India.

It will be really great if you could reply to me.

Thanks again for posting your blog.

Rachel Ray said...

I am MORE than happy to hear about how people reacted to the news. I started a community college yesterday and my parents completely blew me off when I told them. I was a misfit teenager who wanted nothing more than to rebel against society. My parents were just glad I didn't end up in PRISON, so they never encouraged me to go to college, though I always had good grades and graduated high school. I, like yourself, have married a very supportive and amazing man who is the greatest cheerleader I could ask for. I found this blog and am going to use it as my motivation.... though I don't plan on doing as much laundry as you. lol Thank you for the inspiration and showing me that I CAN DO THIS.

Unknown said...

I need to chat you up. I am 31, have 3 kids, 1 year into seoarating frim my baby daddy (never married) and am returning to wanting to go to med school. 4 years ago I was certain I wanted to do this, but was convinced by my ex that I could was a very bad relationship to say the least. But now 4 years later I am certain I still want this snd will still want it in 4 more or 8 or 20 more years.

I know EVERYONE is going to think I am insane. Maybe I am?

Unknown said...

I need to chat you up. I am 31, have 3 kids, 1 year into seoarating frim my baby daddy (never married) and am returning to wanting to go to med school. 4 years ago I was certain I wanted to do this, but was convinced by my ex that I could was a very bad relationship to say the least. But now 4 years later I am certain I still want this snd will still want it in 4 more or 8 or 20 more years.

I know EVERYONE is going to think I am insane. Maybe I am?