Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Productive and Good Day!

Despite the fact that I haven't left my house this weekend, which in many ways is depressing, I have gotten so much work done. I have completely caught up with my laundry, which like never happens, I have made about 200-300 flash cards for Embryology already (not done yet), busy work done from both my anthropology classes and still managed to study for my Stats test tomorrow. How does that happen? OK... so two of the kids were gone.. but the two little one's were here! I never get this much done in a weekend! I must say,,, I am impressed with myself!

No real point to the post today,,, just thought I would share....


Anonymous said...

you should post more often! I am 24 years old, have 4 children and I want to become a pediatrician. I am just worried about how much time schooling will take away from my time with my children. I just figure with just starting college now I won't miss to much of my kids growing up I hope!

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled across your blog. As a 33 year old married with no kids fourth year medical student, my advice to you would be to either quit or go to PA school. Medical school sucks all of your time away from loved ones, friends, and most importantly yourself. The only thing I had time to do while in med school my first two years was eat and s**t (no sleeping). Third year and fourth are rough but you see first hand how much worse it is when you will become and intern and resident. You wanna play doctor with none of the responsibility or the debt, become a PA, sometimes I wish that I did. That's my advice, take it or leave.

Anonymous said...

Did you get in?? I'm 24 and will be starting my last year of pre-med. Taking the MCAT this april.
Did you apply to DO schools as well?
Good luck hope to see a new post soon!!

Marie said...

Wow u're really capable. Keep it up :D